
Valentines's Day has evolved from animal sacrifices to flowers

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Valentine's Day has dark origins. Here's how it started : NPR

How to Handle Valentine's Day on Ash Wednesday, According to Catholic Reddit Users

Valentine's Day History

A Fat Tuesday and Valentine's Day Fiasco

Why Is Valentine's Day Celebrated - The Dark Truth About Valentine's Day

7 Fun (and Weird) Bits of Valentine's Day Trivia! - Hooray Heroes

Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day

The origins of Valentine's Day and the messages behind gifts of bouquets

Valentines Day Lupercalia Goat, Favorite Sacrifice Greeting Card for Sale by IvyVeinStudio

St. Valentine's Day: Ancient roots stained in the blood of goats and saints

When is Valentine's Day 2023? And a little on why we celebrate.

All You Need Is Paper: Why Antique Valentines Still Melt Modern Hearts

History of Valentine's Day: The Unromantic Origins of a Romantic Holiday